Tour Number 2. – Half day trip

Guided ATV tour – nearly CZ-Liberec

Experience over a distance of about 100 kilometers, with a journey time of 4-5 hours beautiful scenic spots and a new feeling. Suitable for beginners and advanced.

  • Tour round 100 km (4-5 Hours)
  • Big ATV to Rent
  • Possible Groups up to 8 ATV
  • ATV, Gasoline, Helmet, ATV washing inclusive
  • Beginning 4 ATV Tour guide inclusive
  • Tour from 99 EUR
  • The route leads through the mountains near Liberec (Reichenberg, about 25km from DE-Zittau). There are narrow paved mountain roads without traffic traveled street (traffic share only cca 20% and few bumpy passages). For the nice ladies, we can also easily operated Sport Quads with automatic transmission.

    ATV type: SMC Jumbo 300, GAMAX AX 300, Adly Canyon 320, Adly Hurricane 320
    The ATVs come with a comfort suspension. Thus, from dirt road crossing a treat. Cca every 60 minutes we take a short break. We recommend good, closed shoes, good jacket, long pants and gloves!

    Please at least half an hour before departure to arrive at our company for briefing and test drive! The tour starts from 2 ATVs, the tour guide is priced at 2-3 ATVs 99 EUR now. Please bring your driver license. B, Deposit 100 EUR, In case of accident SB 1500 EUR

    We go every day, ordering min 24  hours (best way 1 Week)  prior to departure
    We speak fluent german and english
    When ordering is required: Date, Name, Phone, Number of participants
    More questions possible per e-mail, or by phone at +420604717434 or Skype available by appointment: vlasta_qcp

    Course of the Guided Tour

    We start by arrangement with a detailed theoretical and practical training on the vehicles. You will learn under the supervision of our expert guide the driving, steering and brakes.
    After about 10 minutes per ATV when all tour participants feel fit for the tour, we go …

    Depending on the request, a travel program for you will be prepared. We will take about only 20% of small streets. The rest are predominantly fixed field / forest paths without public trafic. Bumpy sections can be omitted by appointment, since threatens higher accident risk for beginners. Explanation

    All our routes are very well explored and designed to be handled by ATV-novice. We are no offroad race it – those who have adapted to meter deep mud, motocross terrain and race, we have to disappoint. We accept consideration for hikers, mountain bikers and equestrians. We put in between regularly short stops at viewpoints.

    In the summer months we offer the Super Adventure Holidays on the Expeditions ATVs in Romania-Transylvania. The mountain landscape is traversed, where the population is zero. This is THE ATV ADVENTURE. More here


    Directory all reservations


    O = Booked
    R = Reserved
    F = Free
    D = Not assigned
    DatumATV - 1ATV - 2ATV - 3ATV - 4ATV - 5ATV - 6ATV - 7ATV - 8ATV - 9
    CZ-Termine möglich 1.3.-20.10.2020, Bestellungen am besten 1 Woche vor.FFFFFFFFF
    RO-Termine 2021
    Tour Nr 5 27.6.-4.7.2021RRRRDDDDD
    Tour Nr 5 4.7-11.7.2021OOOOOOODD
    Tour Nr 6 07/2022FFFFFDDDD
    Booked Reserved Free Not assignable

    Appointment is only recognized when the money is posted on our Kto.

    1. Alex says:

      Einfach genial! Wir Jungs kommen nächstes Jahr für Tour 3 wieder!!!

    2. Christian says:

      Super organisiert, unkompliziert und auf jeden Fall die Reise wert!

      Vielen Dank und vielleicht sehen wir uns mal in Rumänien.. 😉

    3. Paul's JGA Gruppe says:

      Wir hatten zum Pfingstmontag die Halbtagestour und wir müssen sagen, dass es uns sehr begeistert hat.
      Zum einen ist die Gegend mit ihren kleinen Schleichwegen und der Landschaft ein Paradies für erste Quad-Touren, zum anderen ist Vlasta ein sehr angenehmer Gruppenführer.
      Auch kleine Extrawünsche, wie bspw. die verlängerte Mittagspause, waren kein Problem.

      PS: Vlasta’s Leitspruch: “Gute Truppe, gute Tour” konnten wir mit ein paar extra Kilometer auch genießen!!!

      Danke für die entspannte und nette Tour ;).

      Gruß Marcel

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